Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Module 2 Blog Assignement

Module 2 Blog Post

Collaboration has drastically changed over the last few years. It used to be that you collaborated with people in the building. Now there are many different innovations that allow for collaboration across town, across the state, across the country, and across the world. Some of the latest innovations are wikis, blogs, and forums that allow for people to share their knowledge on various topics. Students, educators, and experts alike can express their opinions, knowledge, and beliefs to work together to form a consensus. I feel that as with Wikipedia, when the argument is over then the best explanation/information for a given topic.

The blog post by Evan Rosen discusses the way the collaboration with the use of Web 2.0 tools like wikis have aided in the advancements in medicines that make Mayo Clinic infamous. They use PBWorks in particular. The stakeholders at Mayo use it as a “sandbox where people can figure things out.” Other collaborative tools that Mayo uses are Skype, instant messaging, and video conferencing.

Another blog that has been posted on the value of collaboration is one by David Berkowitz. The blog is entitled “Higher Education’s Future: Collaboration, Augmented Reality, Faculty Education.” The content of the blog is from a panel discussion of 5 professors to” explore the challenges and opportunities in using social media to advance higher education.” The panel was hosted by McGraw-Hill Student Innovations. Adam Ostrow, explains that online learning is better in some respects that you do not get graded on just showing up to class. That you are expected to participate in discussions, respond to blogs, and wikis for grading purposes. The key is to keep students engaged. With collaborative tools this can be accomplished.


  1. Tabitha,

    You have taught me something new. I did not know all that about the Mayo Clinic. This is interesting, because when I think of the Mayo Clinic, I think of medical advancements, so it coincides with that notion that they would also blog and use Skype and video conferencing. It makes a lot of sense too, especially for patients that are not fully mobile. Thanks for the insight.


  2. I have found your posting informative and interesting. Your blogs contain that same quality. Web 2.0 is still a mystery to me. However, I do not understand how information in Wikipedia can be accurate, valid and bias free.

  3. Tabitha, Another interesting blog with good cross referencing. It's clear that Web 2.0 is here to stay. There are still problems with "old school" thinking, especially with those that think that these things are a fad and that some how learning with these tools is less valuable than the "traditional" classroom learning through lecture (how boring). Hopefully we can take this message out there and get our collegues and work places on board with the current technology.

  4. Believe me i am learning alot in this set of courses. I am very green behind the eras when it comes to knowing about the newest technologies that come out. It seasm like everytime I think I have a grasp on something- a new innovation comes out that is biggger and better. I guess that since it interests me I will always be learning new.
