Friday, May 28, 2010

Response to Video Presentations

1. - Stephen Raymond
2. -Luis Aviles
3. -Laurie Korte
4. -
5. - Cynthia Shelton

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010 | Home Home

Static-Dynamic Concept Map Reflection

I have to admit that I am still the most comfortable with static technologies my classroom. We use email within a computer program in the lab, word processors, web sites and peer to peer files on the P: drive. I am beginning to move more to the dynamic technologies little by little. I have had a cell phone for years but have just purchased a smart phone. I am discovering new ways to use it everyday. It was only recently that I even texted. Being able to upload video clips to websites straight form my phone is great.
This course has taught me the benefits of blogs in a real world way. It was my first time ever reading one let alone creating one. I would like to have a blog for my classroom next year. Other teachers in my building already have them and love them. Also the RSS feature sure does help in keeping the blogs organized and easy to view. I have been streaming media for the last 3 years on my 21st Century equipment. Due to funding, they are thinking about not purchasing the license for UnitedStreaming. I will be at a loss if this happens. Being a teacher in a rural area teaching students who have minimal life experiences outside of our county, UnitedStreaming a the closest way to have them experience new places and concepts. Our county has even suspended field trips.
I have thoroughly enjoyed learning along side of everyone all of the innovations that have been identified in this course.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Responses to Module 4 Blogs

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Module 4 Blog Assignment

Module 4 Blog Assignment
When it comes to communication learners are already using cell phones, instant messaging, and social networking on a daily basis. It only makes sense to find a way to use it in the educational setting. Many cell phones today are equipped with Web 2.0 capabilities. Students could use their cell phones to search the web for information, instant message their answers, and then post their reflection on the topic to a wiki or blog. The wiki and blog would make communication of information transfer into collaboration within a group. The group members could post findings and provide feedback to one another on a common project. If a wiki is used then work can be edited as needed by any member of a group. This would work great for a group project. A blog would work best when others are to give feedback on individual projects. Social networking can allow learners to “talk” outside of the classroom.
Collaboration is where we want our students to be functioning. In a world with complex problems it will take collaboration to solve them. It is important to instruct future leaders to work together and not try to make a name for themselves. Times have changed and individual thinkers are still valued however it is the team player that valued above all. Course management systems foster collaboration. In education course management systems could be used to collaborate with others who have the interest in the same topics. Open source classes could be provided to a student body which could allow them to study from a variety of topics.
Content can be provided using wikis, podcasts, blogs, course management systems, and simulations. In today’s classroom it is important to use the latest technologies to provide content. Wikis, and blogs can provide text content with limited capability of moving media. Course management systems by nature provide and foster knowledge of content. A teacher could require students to view any of these as required text for content. Simulations can provide a role play for students to “see” how a new topic would look like in action in real life. Podcasts/Vodcasts can provide both audio and video content for students. Teachers could require students to listen to instruction via podcasts/vodcasts. Teachers also could require students to produce a podcast/vodcast as a final project for a unit of study.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

responses to collaborative learning posts

Response 1

Response 2
Responses for Module 3 Blogs

Response 1

Response 2

Response 3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Module 3 Blog Assignment

Blog Post Module 3

Assessment in a collaborative environment cannot be assessed the same as when the product of the learning is individual. George Siemens provides in the vodcast “Assessment of Collaborative Learning” the following modes of assessment for collaborative learning: peer assessment, feedback from an open online community, educator assessment of students’ contributions, and metrics from learning management systems. Peer assessment can be helpful to promote understanding because the peers who are assessing one another and learning both from their own assignments as well have having to think critically (not harshly) to help others to glean the greatest understanding possible for the assignment. Open online communities allow for the students to receive comments and feedback from people of varying walks of life. These comments may be from experts in the field to a novice who is just getting their feet wet. Of course there always has to be some sort of educator assessment of students’ contributions in the course. Educators must have guidelines of minimum posts to discussion boards, wikis, blogs, and assignments that are sent directly to the professor. Lastly, there must be a way to measure how the time on task for each student. I always like to look at how many hours I log into the Walden site. This is not the only time that I work on assignments but it is a good indicator to the educator of your participation.

Students whether f2f or DE bring with them varying levels of knowledge and skill. Educators must broaden the way they assess (Siemens, n.d.) They must do more that tabulate grades on tests and assignments. Siemens believes that educators should look at the growth of individual students and compare his/her growth to the rest of the class. This is easier said than done. Lastly, Siemens ( n.d.) encourages authentic performance based context assessment. Educators should have projects that provide the students a way to showcase their knowledge and growth in the course. Assessments in themselves can then become a teaching based activity. (Siemens, n.d.)

In Siemens (n.d) vodcast, “Learning Communities, ” he discusses his views on building solid learning communities that will encourage even the most reluctant students. Many students have huge reservations about online classes let alone having to communicate with people they will likely never meet in person. It takes blind faith that the people in the cyberspace will be attentive to the feelings as they would in a f2f environment. We all know that if there is not trust and honesty even the most outgoing individual will become reserved in an online environment. Siemens has noticed that some of the brightest students in the class are those who are the most reluctant to participate due to a uncomfortable feeling of giving up control to others in a group or feeling that they might not be able to retain their sense of self in a collaborative setting. Members of the learning community should do their best to respond with feedback that will stimulate further discussion. “Good Job” is rarely an appropriate response to posts. Peers should also try to keep an eye on the class cafĂ© for that is where you can “get to know” the others in the class. This will help build a sense of community. Educators can provide role play in a high functioning learning community. Often times when the roles are revered and the students become the teachers and the teachers facilitate, the most growth is experienced. Educators need to provide practical practice so that the reluctant student can become more and more comfortable with online communities. If after a reluctant student’s peers and professors have done all they could humanly do to encourage participation in the course, the student will likely see it reflect in his/her grades. It would only be fair to the rest of the students who are meeting all the requirements and often times stepping out of their own comfort zones. DE is NOT for everyone. If a students finds is very difficult to remain a vital member of the learning community of the course, he/she may need to look for alternative modes of higher education that do not require as much collaborative work.

Siemens, G. (n.d.) Assessment of collaborative learning, [Vodcast], Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (n.d.) Learning communities, [Vodcast], Retrieved from

Storyboard First Draft

This is a very basic storyboard. It still needs a lot of work. I have had serious family issues and last night our hot water line busted in the concrete slab. UGH!!! Sorry for the late post. I promise I will not make a habit of it!

Well the PPT would not laod so here is the text from teh slides that I have begun work on.

Slide 1 Title Slide- Ward Cunningham Creator of the Wiki Phenomenon Distance Education Conference 2010

Slide 2 What is a wiki? This slide will have a video clip of students aand educators describing a wiki.

Slide 3 Who created the wiki? This slide will begin to introduce the keynote speaker Ward Cunningham the creator of wiki technology

Slide 4 What is the importance of a wiki?
It is a way to collaborate with others of varying background and expertise
create solutions to problems that are too complex for one or even two to
solve on their own.
It provides living documentation of thought on a subject or problem
between many people.
Wiki entries may be edited by members of the wiki without permission of
the original author. This alleviates the need for back and forth emails
that can be very time consuming.

Slide 5 Resources on Wiki Resources of effective adoption of wiki technology into
sectors of society.

Slide 6 How have Wikis impacted society?

Slide 7 How can I apply a Wiki to my life?

Friday, April 2, 2010

MOdule 2 Blog comments were to Laurie Korte at
and Cynthia Shelton

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Module 2 Blog Assignement

Module 2 Blog Post

Collaboration has drastically changed over the last few years. It used to be that you collaborated with people in the building. Now there are many different innovations that allow for collaboration across town, across the state, across the country, and across the world. Some of the latest innovations are wikis, blogs, and forums that allow for people to share their knowledge on various topics. Students, educators, and experts alike can express their opinions, knowledge, and beliefs to work together to form a consensus. I feel that as with Wikipedia, when the argument is over then the best explanation/information for a given topic.

The blog post by Evan Rosen discusses the way the collaboration with the use of Web 2.0 tools like wikis have aided in the advancements in medicines that make Mayo Clinic infamous. They use PBWorks in particular. The stakeholders at Mayo use it as a “sandbox where people can figure things out.” Other collaborative tools that Mayo uses are Skype, instant messaging, and video conferencing.

Another blog that has been posted on the value of collaboration is one by David Berkowitz. The blog is entitled “Higher Education’s Future: Collaboration, Augmented Reality, Faculty Education.” The content of the blog is from a panel discussion of 5 professors to” explore the challenges and opportunities in using social media to advance higher education.” The panel was hosted by McGraw-Hill Student Innovations. Adam Ostrow, explains that online learning is better in some respects that you do not get graded on just showing up to class. That you are expected to participate in discussions, respond to blogs, and wikis for grading purposes. The key is to keep students engaged. With collaborative tools this can be accomplished.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

For the Module 1 blog comments I posted to Luis Alives
and Cynthia Shelton

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Module 1 Blog Discussion:

Is evolution needed in DE for the next generation?
After reading the articles on instructional design for distance learning and viewing the vodcast of Simonson I do agree that evolution is needed to make distance education a viable mode of education for the next generation. I remember when the first online programs were introduced. The general public did not see them as creditable. My mother even made comments like, “They are just paying for a grade.” I am sure that my mother was not the only one out there that felt that way. Proving DE as creditable was and at time still is the first hurdle to be overcome when recruiting new students. As stated in the introduction of second in a three part series on instructional design by Moller, Foshay, and Huett (2008) that there is still no assurance that “high instructional quality is recognized and valued” still today. This may become a non issue as competition becomes fierce for the e-learning market and the fact that performance based testing is being developed to increase the creditability of online courses. Eventually performance based assessments may spill over into traditional on-campus education. (Moller, Foshay, & Huett, 2008)
When it comes to distance education in the K-12 setting, it takes on a new face. There are greater benefits along with greater disadvantages to DE in this sector of education. Huett, Moller, Foshay, and Coleman, (2008) stated that “virtual schooling is one of the fastest growing areas for K-12 schools.” I see many advantages to DE in this sector. It can remedy the issue of overcrowding, teacher shortages, reduced funding, and offer remedial to enrichment opportunities to students who are homebound, home schooled, traveling, or need flexible schedules due to various reasons. However DE does not need to become a place to educate our failing students or as a quick and easy service for students who need to make up courses (Huett, Moller, Foshay, & Coleman, 2008) My only issues with distance education in K-12 education is the lack of interaction that takes place. These years are so formative int eh development of a child’s eventual character. If DE utilized I believe that there my be ways that the students interact with one another whether in the virtual realm (wikis, live chat, blogs) or in f2f interaction is possible.
I agree with Simonson (n.d.) when he described distance education being comprised in two parts: distance teaching and distance learning. The teacher and the learner are vital components in distance education to make it more than an online self study course. Distance education while growing exponentially, needs to be nurtured to its “critical mass” to experience its highest effectiveness and viability in the generations to come. (Simonson, n.d.) If distance education is utilized correctly, with interaction of teacher-students and students-student the results of the collaboration could be profound. With today’s problems being so large and deep rooted, it will likely take a “collection” of thinkers and innovators to solve them. After all isn’t that all education is for- to solve problems

Huett, J, Moller, L, Foshay, W, & Coleman, C. (2008). The Evolution of distance education: implications
for instructional design on the potential of the web. TechTrends, 52(5), Retrieved from
Simonson, M. (n.d.). Distance education: the next generation [Vodcast], Retrieved from
Simonson, M. (n.d.). Equivalency theory [Vodcast], Retrieved from

Moller, L, Foshay, W, & Huett, J. (2008). The Evolution of distance education: implications for
nstructional design on the potential of the web. TechTrends, 52(3), Retrieved from

Moller, L, Foshay, W, & Huett, J. (2008). The Evolution of distance education: implications for
instructional design on the potential of the web. TechTrends, 52(4), Retrieved from

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Module 1 Blog Post

For some unknown reason I am unable to post my blog post to my site. Not sure why I am not getting the paste option to move it from Word to here. So please bare with me. I will post my blog post in the discussion forum until I figure out what I am doing wrong.